Friday 13 April 2007

13 April Friday

Today we had another meeting of the Genal Valley group at the hotel in Benarraba. We had about 15 attendees. Again there was confusion on when the meeting was supposed to begin, some having arrived at 10 and the rest at 11 or later.

When we got under way, I suggested that we needed to make a decision on the group name and the form sooner rather than later. A small committee was agreed to complete the form creating an association. We also agreed to close the door to new members until this was settled, hopefully by the next meeting. We agreed the monthly dues to be paid and that would give a vote to the member. So all members now need to pay their monthly dues in order to be able to vote at the next meeting. We will also need to vote on a president, vice president and treasurer.... I think I will stand for the treasurer as I already opened the bank account for the group.

So we are making a bit of headway but it sure is slow going.