Monday 7 June 2010

Well here we are in June and it is hot.

We had a very successful week with painters that came from the USA in May. They stayed with us for 9 nights and saw a lot of the area including a visit to the Alhambra Palace in Granada where we organised painter´s passes for them which allowed them go enter wherever they wanted whenever they wanted. We had lovely weather while they were here as well.

We will soon be offering another painting workshop as we have recently been in touch with another American artist interested in offering workshop here in the Genal Valley.

Meanwhile, we have been trying to get some artists interested to bring and exhibit their art work in our gallery but this is turning out to be a lot harder than we thought. I can´t blame an artist who wants to know that if they hang in a gallery they will be able to sell something. We have yet to reach that threshold but we hope it will happen. But it will certainly never happen if we do not have items on exhibition in the gallery space. Sounds to me like an egg and chicken sort of situation. The two previous artists were happy to ahve their work on display here and were not so concerned about selling things which was helpful to us. I recently went to Gaucin in the lower Genal Valley and basically was made very discouraged to think the artists of Gaucin would be intersted in hanging here in Juzcar. They seem to be under the impression that we are in overly remote area and bascially clouldn´t be bothered the the ¨hassle¨to package and bring their work here. So this will be another uphill struggle to get our gallery off the ground. So much for helping the local artist community. We will carry on but seeking out artists from another location in the Serrania de Ronda may be more fruitful for us.

Ivan prepared a couple of fabulous cakes this last weekend. A strawberry mousse cake, three tiered, and a large sheet of chocolate mousse cake, both for a large communion celebration here in the village. Photos to follow but as my Mac crashed on Friday and is in the shop a the minute, I am using my trusty laptop and do not wish to load a lot of photos here so the cake photos will be loaded up when I have my desktop back.

And that charming little house that was la casita de Diego has stirred up some interest from a couple of parties, I am happy to report. We are now awaiting word for a couple of items to be cleared in order to procced with its sale! On that happy, I say hasta la proxima.