The almond flowers in Juzcar are still in bloom and, as you can see below, are just gorgeous.
We returned from our holiday on Monday, 11 February. We had a nice break away from small town Juzcar in small city Amsterdam. We stayed with our very close friends Steve and Daica in the city centre. We enjoyed a few current films in version original (films in Spanish cinemas are all dubbed over original performances and we prefer original), we ate a lot, walked around a bit, took a boat tour (Ivan had never done that before) and just rested in general. The weather was unseasonably warm and dry (only one day of rain) which also help to make it a nice holiday.
When we arrived back in Juzcar, we were pleasantly surprised to see the hole had been dug for our very own swimming pool. It is well underway now. The hole had already been prepared for the concrete base t5o be poured which happened on Tuesday. The rest of this week has been spent preparing the sides of the pool and the piping inside the walls. We also had the back wall of the hotel rendered as that had never been finished when the hotel was built. Boy! What a difference that makes in appearance. We will also have a new exterior wall built so the pool will be enclosed and private. We now expect the pool to be ready for late March.
Here is a photo of the hole as it was last Tuesday morning (12-02-2008):
I'll put some other photos on this site when I have them prepared of the pool construction as well as the new look of the rooms Ivan painted before we went on holiday. I have not photographed the rooms yet but I think they look quite nice. Our current guests also appreciate the work Ivan has done.
The weather is not that bad but not so great either since we returned. The levante which has kept many fishing boats in port is having an affect up here in the mountains as well. Last night, it was very blustery and damp cold, the worst cold. But today it is a bit more mild, temperature-wise but one can see the misty clouds coming over the mountain tops from the coast. The air has a dirty look about it.
More later.