Thursday 11 January 2007

Thursday, 11 January. We went into Ronda this morning to take care of a couple of errands. No great loss being closed as it is dead quiet here at the moment even though we do arrive back in time to provide lunch to anyone interested in eating.

Yesterday, I spent some time sending a few emails to artists about possible workshops. I am encouraged by the fact that we now have three painting workshops booked for the coming September and October and perhaps that could be four and one now firmly booked for May 2008. But we need to have more of this business in other months to even out the cash flow. Perhaps 2008 will very cash flow, I just have to keep plugging away at those emails.

I cut the lavender plants back on Sunday. They were enormous and I didn't have the right cutting tool so my hand was very sore afterwards. We're hoping that when they come back, they'll have even more flowers.

We received a one night booking at half board yesterday for that family from Malaga that came around the other day. They booked seven rooms as that was all that was available that weekend, in February. And another one reservation for late February, two singles, English. It will be a big family affair for the family in mid-February with 14 people.

We also had a bit of passing trade for lunch yesterday and the two days before. Nothing today. A group of Danes was sitting on the terrace having tapas when I arrived from Ronda after morning errands. Ivan attended to them until I arrived. The first thing they did was ask if I was English? Eventually we were talking about me the American, being from New York City and how they had just been talking about NYC themselves and how much they just love New York! I told them I love it too and do miss it!! Very friendly bunch, as usual.

Well, not much else to say at this point except we are waiting eagerly for our holiday next week. Not sure what we're going to do during the second week of holiday... could just stay here and do nothing but go stir crazy. Or go on a few days trips to places in the area that we have wanted to visit but just did not have the time. Maybe even take the dogs with us.

Ivan is now in the kitchen making sushi for us for dinner. It's gotten a bit chilly but as in the last few days, the weather is quite warm and comfortable during the day with bright sun, cloudless skies, no breeze. But the valley is becoming all smoggy because of all the chestnut burning going on at the moment. The annual exercise of trimming the trees and burning them along with the leaves.