Monday 11 December 2006

Monday, 11 December, so we had a fairly busy passed few days although yesterday was extremely disappointing for a holiday weekend Sunday. We had one table for lunch.... no passing traffic yesterday to speak of at all. I figured it would be a bad day because everyone was heading home after the long weekend. Ivan's brother Gaby and his wife Natalia came down from Madrid for the weekend but they left on Saturday to avoid the traffic. I'm sure many others had a similar idea because business was so bad yesterday.

We were full on Friday and then 7 rooms on Saturday. Everyone ate in the restaurant every evening and a couple of the rooms were repeat clients... came back for the food. And other new clients are already planning to come back in January or February for a couple of nights with a large group filling the hotel. They loved it here and were sorry to have to leave yesterday after spending four nights with us.

The dogs now have a new dog house that Francisco built for them. We have a quiet week in front of us. I got only two response on that email about the meeting for the jazz festival so I am not expecting anymore new developments in that area. I suppose people have lost interest as I was so late in coming back with a date for a first meeting... or they will just show up tomorrow afternoon unannounced. I'm not really sure what will happen but for the two that answered I will send them a note to cancel the meeting... I see no point if all cannot attend.

I am off to NY on Saturday. More later. Today's weather, very cool, cloudy, a bit damp.